Sunday, 25 March 2012

How to promote yourself through an Authentic Story

As a marketing services provider, I know the benefits of promoting myself and my business, but that doesn’t make it any easier to step out of my comfort zone and actually do it. Culturally in Australia, we do tend to be a teeny bit critical about those who enthusiastically share their awesomeness; but we can learn to authentically self promote through telling a story about what we do, and why we do it and gain the benefits of self promotion.
The most compelling reason to try is that customers are going to be more motivated to buy from people they know, like, and trust. Building trust can begin with sharing the story of your business and the people behind it. The imminent change to Facebook Timeline will provide businesses with an improved platform for authentic story telling.
Telling your authentic story can help both you and your prospective customers by:
  • Demonstrating your values, so you naturally attract customers who relate to you,
  • Explaining why you do what you do, which helps prospective customers understand you and trust you,
  • Sharing your unique persona, enabling customers to understand what you’ll be like to work or deal with,
  • Clearly identifying your ideal customer, encouraging those that don’t fit to look elsewhere and those that do, to make contact.
As business owners, we owe it to ourselves to become better at communicating our story. We are all passionate about our business. We express love for our new project or idea or product.  An authentic story simply links this passion with our unique persona to what we love doing, and a genuine joy becomes evident when we share our story.
Promoting yourself and sharing your story won’t always feel comfortable but to develop and grow, you won’t ever be comfortable. With a bit of practise, you’ll find your story telling skills starting to improve. Given the rapid changes happening with online video and social media, great story tellers will have a seriously big advantage over those that hide behind their computer screens.
If you are shy but have learned how to promote yourself with your story, please share your experiences below. Feel free to give yourself a bit of gratuitous self-promotion at the same time!
About the author:  Teresa Bassham is the owner of Zenworkz Authentic Marketing and educates businesses to think, create, engage and optimise their marketing effort.  She coaches customers in Social Media Strategy and implementation.  If you would like some assistance changing to Timeline for Facebook Pages, please contact her through her website:
Zenworkz Authentic Marketing publishes a weekly blog on small business marketing:
For daily marketing tips and references, connect on Facebook:

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Meet Think Beautiful – Karly's Amazing Turning Point

This past weekend I was lucky enough to host another ‘Spark Up’ visionboard workshop in Bellingen.  During which I was chatting to a friend about how my life has done a 180 of late.  She asked me; ‘What was the turning point?’
This was a hard question and needed a little introspection to answer.
12 months ago my anxiety was rife.  My depression was slowly lifting but my head space had a long way to go.  I still couldn’t look in the mirror… didn’t love the person looking back at me.
Then an old staff member of mine, Jonno Howell, passed away very suddenly.  He was young… full of life!  One of those really special people who seem to make the most of every second.  He was surrounded by people who just loved him to bits.  He did stuff…. stuff that he loved… and it showed. In fact, it oozed out of every pore.  He was inspiring and living a life I’d always hoped I’d have… to say I was a little jealous is an understatement.  I questioned how his life could be that good.  Why he got to travel… follow his dreams… be surrounded by people who backed him.  He was in love with his life.  Hell, I was in love with his life.  And then… in a mere second, it was over.
Looking back… this was a HUGE turning point for me.  Life is short… it’s too short to be sitting here hating myself.
So, I turned to others for the answers. I wanted to live a life like Jonno.  I wanted to love my life… and myself.  I wanted a purpose… and to be happy and loved.  And I wanted to make up for the doubt I’d had about his authenticity at the time – which was really projected doubt about my own.  I wasn’t living an authentic life… but I so desperately wanted to.
‘Someone please tell me what I am here for’…  ’Universe: intervene… open doors for me and put me on the right path’.  I waited… and waited… looked for signs… drove myself crazy with thoughts… ran… video taped my insights… ran… and ran.
While I ran I got ideas, found answers and gained clarity.  Things slowly started to come together.  But I was still feeling a real sense of something lacking.   Direction, purpose… something.
Depression, for me, felt like a really disconnected, dark and lonely place.  The main word I use to describe my life during this period is lost.  I felt lost… I’d completely lost touch with myself, what was important to me and what made me happy.  I spent time re-learning and re-connecting to ‘me’.
I started Think Beautiful… but I still couldn’t escape this feeling of needing more.  I needed it to explode and be the next big thing.  I needed someone to give me a wonderful opportunity from visiting the site (but I had no idea what I wanted this opportunity to be).  I wanted confirmation I was on the right track.  I wanted… something more.
Then, I realised… I actually didn’t need anything more.  I had a wonderful life already.  In fact, although my life was different in many respects, I had a Jonno life. A devoted and supportive husband, a beautiful dog who constantly reminded me to live in the moment, great friends and family, an awesome job… the list was endless.  I was so not lacking.  I’d only thought I was – and thoughts are just words.
With this realisation things shifted.  I learned what made me tick… helping people realise their own potential and connect to themselves gave me great joy.  It was what I did… what I had done all my life without realising it – it was ‘my thing’.  Holy shit!  I finally discovered my purpose!  During this period I decided to pounce on any ideas that ‘felt right’.  I noticed more and more people coming to me for advice.  The more connected I was to me, the easier the decision making became.
I ran my first visionboard workshop in January, followed very quickly by a second and a third.  I started to ‘back myself’… realising just how darn special and fantastic my life was – right here, right now.  The feelings of lack dissipated and were replaced with fulfilment and peace.  I had a new sense of ‘knowing’.  Ideas flowed… intuition flowed… happiness flowed.  I took chances… made myself vulnerable… I learnt… I grew…. I shared these lessons with the people around me.  I spoke from the heart… sometimes in public.  I became ‘authentic’.  People inspired me and I inspired them.  Life really started to come together.
Then doors started to open… except this time I wasn’t waiting for someone else to open them for me.  Now I was listening carefully to ‘me’ and, if it felt right, I took the steps to make it happen. I proved to myself time and time again that I was capable of much more than I’d previously given myself credit.  I had taken charge of my life and finally I was back in the drivers seat… and the road trip I am currently on is magic!
And there is more to come… this amazing life of mine has just begun.  And I intend on living it to the max… just like Jonno did.
So, what was the turning point?
Without doubt it was that very moment I learned Jonno had passed.  But since, there have been a number of moments or lessons that have lead me to this happy place.
  • Come from compassion – understand that everyone comes from their own experience and beliefs.  This allowed me to let go of anger and disappointment.  It also made me aware that while I’m responsible for my own feelings and reactions, I am not responsible for others.
  • Happiness isn’t dependent on being a certain weight, or having a cupboard full of designer shoes, it comes from acceptance and gratitude in the moment.
  • As a recovering perfectionist… the constant need for perfection only leads to disappointment.  There is perfection in imperfection.
  • In order to have the life (or the things) you want… you need to first know what that is!
  • ‘Backing myself’ and ‘showing up’.  When I fell in love with ‘me’ my world changed significantly – I was no longer seeking external gratification… I found it within.
  • Realising my life needed nothing more in it to be remarkable.
  • Working out what was important to me and deciding to live a life aligned with those values.
The reason I share this story… is because if I can go from where I was, to here… anyone can!  And if I can help to put you on the right track it would be an honour and a privilege!
*** Karly Nimmo is the founder of Think Beautiful.  Her most enjoyable ‘day job’ as a voice over artist and agent at Killer Kopy keeps her busy from her Mid North Coast studio.  Karly’s recent journey of self discovery led her to the happy and content place she is now – in addition to starting up this website.  She is passionate about helping people to reach their full potential and follow their dreams… and is one of those people who walks her talk.  She is also a fitness nut… and a yoga and meditation convert.  Think Beautiful is a manifestation of what goes on inside her head. ***

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Great Marketing Tips from Guest Speaker: Nicky Van Winjgaarden

1. Ban bland - Be decisive about your positioning
You’ve heard before that you can’t be all things to all people. But so much marketing work you see can best be described as “generic”. Everyone offers “solutions”, it’s their service/people that make the difference and they’re “cost effective”. Take this away from most company’s marketing pitch and you’re left with....nothing really.
If you have little or no money to advertise and promote a company, the last thing you want to do is make no discernable impression. And look at it this way – it’s less of a risk
for you to be a little outrageous than it is for a company spending millions of dollars on advertising (who can spot the difference between one car ad and the next by the way?).
I received two brochures a week apart recently for a PR conference. At least, I thought it was one conference, until I looked a little more closely. Two conferences, pretty much the same name, the same creative, the same pitch – a week apart with my B&T. Just imagine if one had taken a risk – you know which one people would have remembered and attended.
So make a call. Stand for something. Carve a niche. Back it up and stick to it. And write some effective copy to back it up. If you need some help in this area, try subscribing to:

2. Be a better builder – of your database
Every business can benefit from building a segment-able database and marketing to it. EVERY business. Yet very few businesses have an up-to-date database of customers and prospects. Retailers are particularly bad, but even service based businesses are guilty. I have stayed at 20 different hotels in the past year – and NONE have ever sent me a follow up offer. Yet they all took my details on arrival. Does that seem like a shocking waste to anyone but me?
Apart from being the key ingredient in targeted marketing activities, your database has value to someone else – they too want the same sorts of customers. Finding and partnering with those businesses in marketing and promotions is the way to find new customers, or get good stuff to give away, for free. Impress your boss by getting a bunch of books/accommodation/luggage to use as marketing incentives, just for featuring them in pre-existing communications to your target market.

3. Spent 25 cents more often
If two heads are better than one, then two tiny budgets are certainly better than one! So who could you be working with? Who can help you get to the market you’re looking for?
Say you’re running a training business and you’d like to get into the IT sector. Rather than targeting that sector, consider who else is already talking to that market. How might you partner with them to get access to their customers, whilst still making it valuable to them?
Or you’re a small retailer, trying to get people into your store located on a strip of 20 others. Why aren’t you working with those 20 others?
Trust me, it could be the best 25 cent phone call you ever make.

4. Stop starting from scratch
If nothing is original, and everything has already been done before, why are so many people set on re-creating the wheel?
When you have a small budget, it’s a crime to waste any of it. So why are you going out and getting a website programmed from scratch when you can access excellent content management systems for a few hundred dollars a year? Why are you paying for data entry or a research agency for simple projects when you can use for about $25 a month? Or why are you killing yourself trying to find an original idea when you can get some international flavoured inspiration for free from

5. Give stuff away
We all want people talking about our product or service. Word of mouth is still the most cost effective marketing tool...if only we could work out how to harness it a little better.
So let’s start with – give more of it away. Particularly if you’re marketing a product, the fastest way to spread word of mouth is to have more people tasting/wearing/trialling your product. Krispy Kreme anyone?
And even if you are marketing a service – consider how you can have people “sample” it. Can you run a free event or write an article, sharing some of your expertise and demonstrating your “style”.
(Or perhaps make your product so desirable people steal the promotional material – ala movie posters - and you let them and then do a little media release about just how much people want your stuff...)

6. Don’t have your call-to-action missing-in-action!
In every piece of existing promotion you have, whether it be your website, a brochure, or even your Yellow Pages advertisement, there needs to be a call to action. Most company website pages DON’T end with an encouragement to call or email. Most brochures have contact details but don’t really give people a REASON to call within a particular time-frame. And a Yellow Pages ad should have an incentive, just as ANY advertising you might run should have (Eg. “Mention Yellow Pages for 15% off). This has two benefits – you know where a lead has come from AND it makes your ad more compelling than the one next to it. Don’t leave the next step up to the customer...or they might walk back out the “virtual” door!

7. A little + A little = A Lot More
If you only have a small amount of money available to market your business, who can you pair up with to increase your funds pool? For example, if you’re a PR business, could you partner with a copywriter to undertake a customer recruitment drive? If you’re a boutique hotel, could you partner with tour operator? If you’re a shopping centre, could you partner with your retailers? A little plus a little could mean you’ve got double the funds to play with.

8. Get out your red texta
If you want to make your existing materials work harder for you, get out your red texta and do two things:

  • Circle all the we, us and ours in your marketing materials. If this appears more than you and yours, your marketing message is all about you, not your customers. Start re- writing!
  • Circle all the “nonsense” words that are used so often, by so many, that they’ve ceased to have any meaning. Words like “solution” or “difference”. What solution? How different? 
Check out this “joke” site - - and if your marketing materials read anything like this - start re-writing!

9. If you’re gonna do it, do it right
Ok, if you were into Wham, you’ll get the message and if not, please don’t stop reading.
What I’m talking about here is email – the very best zero budget tool - still vastly underutilized in business. And ONE thing contributes to this is the subject line. A subject line, like a headline in an ad, need to encourage you to read more. Bland, non- descriptive or non-compelling subject lines ensures people hit delete and never cast an eye over your hard worked copy or offer. So make sure you’ve got something intriguing, exciting, quirky, descriptive or inviting in your subject line (then run the whole thing through a SPAM checker like to ensure it’s even likely to make it to an inbox!)

10. Tap into your network
If you’re in need and are a cash strapped marketer, don’t forget to tap into your own network. Not for a loan – but perhaps there are creative answers to your problems. The people around you may provide insight and ideas – and even some contacts where you might be able to offer “contra” as payment for services or form some type of alliance. Your friends, family, acquaintances, work contacts and even exercise partners equate to a deep pool of resources from which you can draw, and to whom you can contribute. You just can’t be afraid or embarrassed to ask.
As the great man said: “I get by with a little help from my friends.”
Article by: Kimberly Palmer, Founder – Networx Events & Brazen Productions

Don't forget the simple things
Successful marketing is rarely about a single silver bullet. Instead, it's about many, many little things that joined together, deliver results for a business.
So this post is about a little thing. Your email signature. If your business is anything like mine, you can send and receive around 100 emails a day. Even if you only send 10 emails a day, each one is an opportunity to share a little information about yourself and your business (AND as a bonus it makes it a lot easier for the recipient to get in touch with you in the future).
Now if you're tempted to think that no-one reads an email signature, I'm able to recount from very recent experience that this is definitely not the case. I added a sentence to the
bottom of my (already relatively long) email signature about the launch of my new book. And I immediately got back a tonne of questions and congratulations about it. I really didn't think anyone would pay that much attention. But about a third of the people I emailed that week commented on it - which means more probably read it.
So if you've got something new or exciting happening, pop it onto the bottom of your daily emails. It's totally zero budget - and I know you'll be surprised at the response.

Providing experience to get free to cheap design and copy
Great design and copy writing can make a small brand look BIG and PROFESSIONAL - which we all know are key factors in attracting customers. I'm constantly amazed by how many shabby websites I come across and my instant thought is “this business isn't to be taken seriously".
But great design & copy has to cost a lot - doesn't it? Well, no.
If you have the world's tightest budget, why not consider getting a promising student designer or writer to work for you? You can contact Universities like RMIT (who run advertising and design courses) for a referral. Or independent outfits like The Australian School of Copywriting, who need 'real life' projects to give their students the experience they need. I recently referred a friend starting out a new venture (Little Fry) to The Australian School of Copywriting. Just going in to brief the budding writers gave the Little Fry team a good chance to articulate (and even form) their marketing vision. They then received several different writing perspectives for their brand, which has not only given them material to use immediately, but some fresh ideas for the future.
So if you have the time to dedicate, and are prepared to give as well as get, you can get some top notch design and copy for little or no cost. And as your business grows, and your student's talent grows, it could be the beginning of a long a mutually profitable relationship for both of you!

Marketers love consistency - that's why all the big brands have thick design manuals covering the rules of how their brand can be used, in what colours and related colour palettes and even how much white space should be around a logo.
Just because you're a smaller brand doesn't mean you should be lax about ensuring all elements of your look and feel aren't consistent. Apart from making you look like a professional outfit, it also has the added benefit of being cost-effective in the long term. Why? Well, when you have a clear idea and guidelines on what font, colours and style to use, it will take a designer less time to create new work for you. And that translates to lower cost. Also, some strong design elements have the advantage of being useful for multiple purposes, which I've been reminded of recently. I partnered with a talented designer and illustrator on Dont Drink and Dial...and other secrets of female friendship (my first book, being published by Penguin and on sale this week) and we've been able to use variations on the illustrations she's created for everything from a stationery line to icons on our website.

Viral isn't dead if the offer is good enough
"Viral" marketing was a bit of a buzz word over the past few years that seems to have gone out of fashion in 07 - but the concept of viral is exciting because it's the ultimate zero budget concept. That is, you send out something (a promotion, an offer, news of a sale, a movie/joke/story) to a set group and then people pass it on for you. And it continues to a virus. So your original message to 100 people could end up reaching 10,000 people.

A good viral campaign isnt easy to come up with. The original (and future) recipients have to think it's exicting enough to pass on, such that their friends or colleagues won’t be annoyed to receive it. So a really compelling offer - or a very funny message - is what's needed.
I just received a great offer passed on by a friend - and it was so good I wondered if it was real. 

So after a long investigation (well, actually, after clicking on a couple of links) I confirmed that Krispy Kreme WERE in fact giving away a half dozen donuts on the day after the election.
They've even tied in database building element, some topical marketing by linking it to the federal election, a cause related element by asking for a gold coin donation to the Salvos and some amusing creative. This little promo really ticks all my boxes! (They've also got some safety nets built in - see the preferred store and the "up to 6 donuts" to help them cover their tushies). So Krispy Kreme have done it again - for the cost of some clever creative and I'm assuming several thousand donuts - they'll be gaining both a customer database and store traffic, at what I'm sure will be a very low cost per unit. If I had a zero budget gold star, I'd slap it on them right now!

Useful websites: – a great website to build & send e-newsletters & stay in touch with your customers & potential customers (free up to 1000 contacts) – a website that gets your press releases out across the internet news world
Social Media sites - Create your own blog

Saturday, 3 March 2012

The Feel Good Food Plan by Christine Barnes

Over the last 2 weeks I’ve lost 15% of my body weight (63kilos down to 53kilos). I did this naturally, healthily and in a way that is sustainable. I didn’t feel hungry once. I didn’t crave anything and my appetite naturally reduced. In fact, I felt full all of the time. It was easy.
The first few days I had to do some shopping and start some new eating habits but I didn’t use any fad diets or a weight loss franchise company (e.g. Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig etc). I still had my treats, went out for dinner and drank wine and cheese; just not everyday.

My main objective was to build muscle, lose fat and get my body functioning at an optimal level of health. The latter half of 2011 saw me being quite sedentary and, to be honest, a little stressed, and this moved my metabolism into retaining fat around my stomach and not functioning as well as it could. As I’m now in my sixth decade, this spurred me into boosting my metabolism to create a leaner, stronger and healthier me.

I started by increasing my water consumption and my raw vegetable intake. I accentuated bitter greens to boost my liver and pancreas into a higher level of detoxification.  Next step was to increase physical activity.  I decided this was a great opportunity to explore lots of different types and schools of yoga.  I slowly increased activity to 4-6 days per week.  My physical activities also included walking for a minimum of 30 minutes.  I also ensured that I gave my body time to recuperate. Taking a day off once a week provides 24hrs for muscles to rest and repair and also gave me a change in routine. 

Once my vegetable intake was up to 3 handfuls of fresh greens per meal, I started to increase my protein intake. Small regular protein meals were great for my mood, building muscle and stimulating the metabolism to burn fat. My work and home schedules are pretty busy so I used some fast easy commercial products to help make it easier. Pea protein powder and sprouted broccoli powder supported me, especially in the early days and they’re a great post-workout way to rehydrate mixed in water.    

Protein is required to maintain bone density and, if consumed with a balanced amount of fresh vegetables, ensures a balanced calcium/phosphorus ratio and acid balance that in turn supports the healthy mineral mass of our bones. Protein is also essential for a healthy digestive tract including the production of stomach acid, digestive enzymes and neurotransmitters as well as providing the amino acids that we require for healthy liver detoxification.
Interestingly, protein deficiency can reduce our ability to absorb Vitamin B1. Vitamin B1 is important for digestion and a deficiency contributes to depression, fatigue, low morale, irritability and anxiety. Low dietary protein may also exacerbate Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5) deficiency and cause symptoms of fatigue, apathy and increased sensitivity to insulin.  Vitamin B5 is required for healthy hair, skin and wound healing, and a deficiency can contribute to strong feelings of hunger.

As a result of gaining muscle mass and losing fat, I’ve also found my mood has improved and my energy levels are more buoyant. During this process, I took into account that reduced calorie intake lowers the tryptophan levels needed for maintaining mood. Fortunately Tryptophan is found in most protein-based foods and is especially high in egg white so a diet that is skewed towards protein will help maintain or improve mood when on a fat-loss diet. (Incidentally, Niacin (B3) is synthesised from tryptophan and low Niacin levels are associated with slow metabolism, high cholesterol and sensitivity to the cold – so best to keep those tryptophan levels up!).
My experience has certainly been that the benefits of following The Body Guard “Feel Good Food Plan” are far more outreaching than just a cosmetic weight issue with the results very different to the average calorie restricted diet.

My sensitivity to stress has now definitely reduced and I’m sleeping very well.  Meal preparation time has also reduced. The changes to my metabolism have also regulated my insulin (a hormone) as well as the rest of my hormones, and this has reduced my pre-menstrual tension and inflammation as well as pain residue from old injuries. In a nutshell, I’m happier, leaner, stronger, less stressed and have more time to enjoy this new state of body and mind.  
Now, having reached my goal weight, I’m into weight maintenance. That’s the subject for another blog, but a lesson has been learned and I will not fall easily into the trap again of being over-sedentary.

To recap, here are some tips for fast successful weight loss using The Body Guard “Feel Good Food Plan”:-

2.5 to 3 litres per day in order to keep the bowels moving. Water flushes out the toxins and keeps your skin plump and youthful.

Food choice readjustment
Increase your fresh raw vegetable intake. Ideally, include three (of your) handfuls, of fresh vegetables at lunch and dinner and don’t forget to add vegetables to your breakfast where you can (e.g. steamed baby spinach with poached eggs or mushrooms). Allow cooked vegetables (mainly green or multi coloured) at one meal per day and try for a majority of fresh raw vegetables in most of your meals. Reduce your refined carbohydrates (e.g. white rice, white bread, potatoes etc) significantly and including protein as part of every meal and snack. Eat the protein portion of the meal first and this will stimulate your metabolism to operate more efficiently. 
It’s also important to realise that digestion starts in our mouth and is better initiated by chewing our food well. In order to extract all the nutrients our food contains, take your time to chew your food really well, extracting every nutrient from it. Taking your time also allows the body time to recognise where the digestive system is; this will ensure that you will feel full earlier than you would otherwise.

If you are pre disposed to constipation - your Naturopath can help before you start.  Check that your water and raw vegetable intake is adequate and if you still have a challenge in this regard, your Naturopath can also prescribe a specific supplement regime to suit your unique constitution and lifestyle. 

Ideally six days per week.  Exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes per day. Think fast walking, yoga or dancing.  Be consistent and mix it up a bit to keep your interest up.  Find an exercise buddy, a friend you can walk with or take turns in driving to the gym or yoga class.

Regular 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep is required for efficient functioning of the metabolism and the immune system.  Ideally you should wake refreshed. If you do not feel refreshed or are experiencing interrupted sleep or have difficulty falling asleep, please visit your Naturopath who can address any sleep hygiene issues you may have. To read more about sleep hygiene click here.
Sleep issues can be associated with excessive levels of stress.  If you think this is you, read more about the management of stress here.  If necessary, your Naturopath can also prescribe safe, non-addictive and effective solutions to regulate your sleep pattern and help you get more sleep.

Goal Setting and Commitment
Prior to starting, talk to your Naturopath who can help you set appropriate goals that suit your personality and lifestyle.  Together you can develop simple easy steps to get you started and your Naturopath can provide ongoing coaching to support your progress and ensure your goals are met. Muscle weighs more than fat so ensure you take all of your measurements as well as your weight.  Weight alone is not a good indicator of fat loss and it can be quite disconcerting if your weight is increasing during the muscle building stage. However, during this period your body will begin to change shape.
Start slowly and don’t worry if you slip up here and there.  Just get back to emphasising quality protein as soon as possible.  If you find yourself craving sugary foods, just have a small amount of protein (e.g. ½ a boiled egg) and they will soon subside.

Social/family support
Talk to your family and friends before hand.  Let them know about your diet and lifestyle changes.  You may find someone who would like to be your walking buddy and/or offer encouragement.  Some of your family members may like to be included in your food regime.  Communication is a key aspect for your friends and family to feel included versus excluded.  Team support will help you reach your goals.

Stress Management
Stress causes our body to retain fat.  Keep an eye out for our new Stress Less Starter Kit pack available soon. To read about how to reduce your stress click here.
It’s hard to lose weight by yourself. It’s even harder to keep it off by yourself. A natural medicine practitioner will be able to prescribe an individually tailored and practical protocol for weight loss that will address both your goals and your overall health and wellness as well as provide regular coaching.
The above tips are just a few basic elements in The Body Guard “Feel Good Food Plan”.  If you’d like to know more or you’d like The Body Guard to assist you in fat loss, contact me at for an appointment or phone 0421 379 615 to speak to me personally. To read more about becoming a consultations and ongoing coaching for weight loss and/or wellness click here.

Hechtman, Leah. Clinical Naturopathic Medicine. Churchill Livingstone Australia.
Institute of Medicine, (2006). Dietary Reference Intakes Research Synthesis: Workshop Summary. National Academies Press. p. 37.
Gropper, S. S, Smith, J. L., Groff, J. L. (2009). Advanced nutrition and human metabolism. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage learning.
Pitsavas S, Andreou C, Bascialla F, Bozikas VP, Karavatos A (2004). "Pellagra encephalopathy following B-complex vitamin treatment without niacin". Int J Psychiatry Med 34 (1): 91–5.